Henley gate at night.
Credit: Tony Mastres

 Upcoming Events


CPOS Seminar: Reversible and size-controlled assembly of reflectin proteins using a charged azobenzene photoswitch

Speaker: Cassidy Tobin, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Chemical Engineering, Read de Alaniz Group, UCSanta Barbara 

Location: HYBRID (Zoom / In-person) | 9:00am

CPOS Seminar: Functional Motifs for Self-reporting and Stimuli-responsive Materials

Speaker: Livius F. Muff, Ph.D., Department of Materials, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; C. M. Bates, C. J. Hawker, Read de Alaniz Groups; UC Santa Barbara 

Location: HYBRID (Zoom / In-person) | 9:00am

 Events Archive

Speaker: Dr. Matteo Cucchi, Ecole Polytechnique Federal Lausanne, NeuroX Institute  / Technische Universität Dresden, IAPP

Speaker: Dr. Yi-Ming Chang, CTO, Raynergy Tek Incorporation, Taiwan

Speaker: BRIAN ROEHRICHGraduate Research Student, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California Santa Barbara <

Speaker: SCOTT T. KEENE, PhD, Electrical Engineering Division, Department of Engineering, and Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, UK

Speaker: SILAN ZHANG, PhD Student, Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Department of Science and Technology, Linköping University

Speaker: SANGCHEOL YOON, Graduate Research Student, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California Santa Barbara 

Speaker: KAYLYN LEUNG, PhD,  Otis Williams Postdoctoral Fellow / Plaxco Group, University of California Santa Barbara 

Speaker: Dr. JOACHIM VOLLBRECHT, Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hamelin (ISFH), Germany

Speaker: Professor NATALIE BANERJI, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bern, Switzerland

Speaker:MARTIN SEIFRID, PhD, University of Toronto / Aspuru-Guzik Group